All tenants must give a 30 Day Notice prior to vacating any property. We do not accept written emails, written letters, or phone calls as notice to vacate. The only form that is accepted by our office is the one you will find below. This particular form covers important information which tenants should be aware of when vacating a property. Please print out the 30 Day Notice below, complete the required information, and either fax a copy to us at (214) 227-2353 or you may also scan and email it to The tenants 30 days do not start until we receive the notice in our office so we do not suggest mailing it as this may take a few extra days or may even get lost. We will contact you within 24 hours to confirm that we have received your 30 Day Notice as well as to discuss the details of your move. If we do not contact you within 24 hours of you submitting your 30 Day Notice via email or fax then contact us immediately to ensure we have actually received it. It is the tenants responsibility to make sure that we receive the 30 Day Notice in a timely manner. Please remember, the form below is the ONLY 30 Day Notice that our office accepts. Do not submit any other form of notice as it will NOT be accepted.